3 Reasons Why I Love Traveling the Middle East

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3 Reasons Why I Love Traveling the Middle East

The Middle East is easily one of my favorite regions in the world to travel. It is beautiful, welcoming and endlessly interesting. But traveling to the Middle East for a vacation seems unusual – to say the least – to most. Rather than beauty, conflict-ridden images and gruesome ideas come to mind when the region is even brought up. And so, I’m often asked why I would travel to the Middle East for vacation. “Is it safe? Aren’t you scared? Why risk it?’ Those questions are all valid – why should you travel the Middle East? What could make it so special that you push aside the images and ideas that fill your mind, and actually explore this region? I have three reasons why.

1. The people make the Middle East magical

I recently went to Jordan and found that the Jordanian people are most likely the most hospitable in the world. Everywhere I went, my boyfriend and I were asked where we are from, received a beaming smile and heard some variation of “you are welcome here in Jordan.” There’s something about that reception that just blows you away. People were happy to have us in their country. Not because they were trying to sell knick-knacks of questionable quality. But because you wanted to see their country and their culture and they were excited to share it with you. They welcome visitors with open arms.

I’m sure this isn’t true of every country in the region, but I’ve experienced exceptional kindness in several other countries in the Middle East, and I can’t begin to explain how special it feels. I can only describe the kind of welcome you get as the way your friends’ parents make you a part of the family. Welcome to our home. You’re family now.

In front of the Blue Mosque in Istanbul, Turkey
2. The food alone is enough reason to travel across the world.

Fresh, flavorful, full of variety. I’m hungry just thinking of it. Beef cooked in tahini, kabobs so flavorful I considered changing my life plan to include frequent travel to a specific restaurant in Amman, hummus from the gods.

Hummus and french fries in Amman, Jordan. A surprisingly religious experience.

And then there’s shakshuka, mezze (regional tapas) and the most delicious desserts for days. The food is so much more inventive and complex than what many of us think of when middle eastern food comes to mind. You could fill day after day with food tours and any weight you gain would be worth it all.

Shakshuka and mezze in Tel Aviv, Israel
3. The history and culture of the Middle East that you’re likely missing out on. (#FOMO)

These two, history and culture, could easily be separate reasons to visit a place. But because many of us aren’t very familiar with the history and culture of the Middle East,  learning about one means you learn a ton about the other. And there’s a lot to learn. 

Did you know there are Greek and Roman temples scattered across the region, or that the Chinese has an influence on it many, many years ago? Have you heard about the discoveries and ideas birthed in this part of the world? And history aside, have you seen the traditional clothing that is so beautifully embroidered, or heard music so different from your own? The bedouin clothing, the kinds of meals you never knew existed (yes, again with the food), the centuries old traditions. It is so different from what so many visitors have seen and experienced, that the Middle East is endlessly interesting because of that.

The Treasury in Petra, Jordan
But, isn’t it dangerous?

So the people are welcoming. And the food is amazing. And the culture is beautiful. But what about the million dollar question? What about safety in the Middle East? It’s dangerous isn’t it?

Well…sure, yes. But I’d say that about any region of the world, or for that matter, my hometown of Chicago. It definitely can be dangerous, but it depends on where you go. 

Yes, there are places in the region you shouldn’t go for kicks. Places that are extremely dangerous and you’d be foolish to go. But, there are plenty of pretty safe places as well, like the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Turkey, and Israel, all countries where I’ve felt perfectly safe.

The Middle East is not just the place that you see in the papers or on the news. There’s so much more than that single story of a dangerous war zone that we hear and read about all the time. (There’s a fascinating concept called the single story – the singular facet of a place and/or culture that we hear about, that paints our entire view of said place.) In the US, we only learn about a single story of the Middle East, and I can’t emphasize enough how worthwhile it is to get past that single story. 

Outside the Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi

I have been welcomed, well fed and kindly taught in my travels to this region. And for that reason, the Middle East is one of my favorite parts of the world. I cannot recommend enough that you travel there as well.

Thank you so much for reading (and subscribing)! City guides to Amman, Jordan and Tel Aviv, Israel are live now if you want to learn more about the region! 

A little savvier for the countries and continents I've seen, I have only truly learned to travel by Trial and Error. Missed flights, ferries, and connections are just the beginning on the mishaps (and wins!) behind why I started this blog.

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