Surviving Long Haul Flights and My Travel Curse

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Surviving Long Haul Flights and My Travel Curse

I may have traveled extensively, but my experience has not translated into smooth trips. In fact, my travels are regularly a complete mess, if I’m being honest. At this point, I’m completely convinced that I’ve been cursed. I have been on two emergency landings, one airport evacuation, and have been denied boarding because I didn’t have the right passport stamp, so I had to run through an airport, to baggage claim where there was a kiosk with a man who wrote over my entry stamp and then I could board the plane. (I’m still asking myself – WHAT WAS THAT.) And there have been so many other mishaps I can’t even begin to list them all. It’s no wonder I named the blog Trial and Error Travel.

No amount of planning will make chaotic travel days, easier. But I now have a list of what to pack in my carry on to make them less stressful.

The face you make when you find out there’s going to be an emergency landing because of a hydraulic system failure. Dope. Not at all scary.


As I mentioned, nothing makes a serious wrench in your trip easy. But there’s nothing quite as awful as being endlessly bored on an endless flight. So I always carry these:

  • Kindle (or any paperback book.)
  • Phone charging cable, so I can charge my phone mid-flight
  • Headphones (and a converter in case you have an iPhone.)
  • Power bank (not all planes are new and offer usb cables to charge your electronics.) 
  • Movies/tv shows downloaded on my phone in case there are no TVs in seat. Thank you, Netflix.
The dreaded SSSS – being marked for extra, extra, extra security screening.


I feel like a gremlin when I hop off a long flight or train ride. But I always try to at least look like a pretty gremlin, so I bring:

  • Face masks – I don’t care what kind of fool I look like, I pop on a Korean sheet mask, and even eye patches, whenever I’m on a long haul flight. I don’t need to look as tired as I feel when I de-plane.
  • Moisturizer (see the above re: not looking haggard and angry. Remember that travel curse? I don’t want to get questioned at customs for looking like something that crawled out of a cave.)
  • Hair brush (sensing a theme?)
  • Wisps (the little disposable toothbrushes) or floss 
  • Lip balm
Definitely do a face mask, but not a mud mask. These don’t fly well!


Flying for 10 hours is already gross. Why make it harder on yourself by not bringing these?:

  • Advil/Tylenol/pain killer of choice
  • Dramamine- this has two purposes. One, it helps with nausea from turbulence, which is actually its main purpose. I, however, use this to help me sleep ok long flights. This stuff will knock you right out.)
  • You should also always have any prescription meds you might need easily accessible.
Thai train ticket for a man named Alexan Drab Mikros. You can imagine that it was not fun trying to get on the train.


  • Snacks (I always bring a little something – read: chocolate – to eat while watching a thousand terrible movies.)
  • A water bottle (they give you thimbles if water when flying, and that doesn’t cut it.)
  • Hand sanitizer (have I mentioned planes are nasty?)
  • Emergen-c or rehydration salts

That’s a mad long list right?!

I mean, yes, ok I am a little high maintenance here. But trust me, ten hour flights and 12 hour train journeys take a freaking toll on you. This list has helped me stay hydrated (obviously,) entertained and as human feeling as possible. (I do pare this list down for shorter flight, since you don’t need all the bells and whistles when you’re on board for two hours.)

Quick note- I always pack a few more must-haves in my carry on that aren’t for the flight.

Carry on:

  • Two days worth of clothes (in case a checked bag gets lost)
  • Passport copy,  itinerary copy, vaccine copy (depending on where I’m going and what I’ll need for immigration.)
  • A swimsuit! The strangest item to bring in your carry on (it’s not like there’s a pool on board,) but I ALWAYS pack a swimsuit for ANY trip. Can you imagine missing out on something like the black sand beaches in Guatemala, (or having run around to find a new swimsuit,) because I didn’t bring the bikini with me????

This sounds like a LOT for a carry on, but you should still have plenty of room! And you’ll be all kinds of prepared for delays, cancellations, strandings, evacuations or any other frustration you may encounter. And you’ll have a mini spa on board.

I hope this is helpful for anyone else traveling far from home. Do you have anything else you carry to make your travel life easier? Share here!

And thank you as always for reading. If you haven’t already, please subscribe. I have an end of year subscriber goal! 🙂

A little savvier for the countries and continents I've seen, I have only truly learned to travel by Trial and Error. Missed flights, ferries, and connections are just the beginning on the mishaps (and wins!) behind why I started this blog.

4 thoughts on “Surviving Long Haul Flights and My Travel Curse

  1. Yeah, that whole thing of having to run down to baggage claim for approval to board was so bizarre 😂. I know Luis will never for get that. Great tips, my very unlucky friend!

    1. That was SO crazy. I will never forget running with my stupid, big backpack through the airport and yelling “excuse me!” as I jumped over people’s luggage hahahahaha

  2. Great list of must-haves! I remember when you whipped out a face mask on our flight to Johannesburg and I thought that was genius!

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