72 Hours Abroad – The Art of Fast Travel

City Guides

72 Hours Abroad – The Art of Fast Travel

Can you see Paris in three days? Is two days too short in Tokyo? How much time is enough time to be a tourist in a city?

I used to think it was crazy to take really quick three or four day trips to other countries. How could someone really experience a place if they were only there for 72 hours? You couldn’t really see a city in just a few measly days, could you? It didn’t seem like it to me.

That was a short-sighted perspective that was also short-lived and eventually got turned on its head. Because I have now traveled to roughly a dozen countries on “just” three or four day trips. 

In search of my next trip. (JK, this is in the jungle somewhere in Guatemala.)

So how can you experience a place in 72 hours?


When I was living in Dublin, Ireland, I took the opportunity to travel to as many places as possible. I took three and four day trips constantly. Three days in Portugal? Sign me up. Scotland for four days? Away I freaking go.

If I didn’t jump at the opportunity to take those quick trips, I probably would not have seen those countries at all. I didn’t have the time to go to each and every place for weeks or months at a time. (I had, you know, my entire life going on.) However, I DID have three day weekends and a smattering of PTO that I used to see as much as possible.

Did I want more time in Portugal? Sure! But was I going to go to Lisbon with the time I had, or would I skip it because maybe one day I’d have more time?

For me, there’s really no question. The passport was out and the bag was poorly packed.

Of course I’d like to go to all those places for longer. Sure, I’d like to see (and eat) more, but I was working with what I had, and, usually, that was a quick three days. And that was enough time because it had to be. If it wasn’t enough time, and I held off because of that, I wouldn’t have gone to many of the places I’ve been.

Sure, I was sad to leave many of those places so quickly, but no part of me feels like I was cheated because I couldn’t spend more time somewhere. For example, I had just two full days in Singapore, and I don’t feel like I missed out at all. I went to amazing museums, ate food so good I almost cried (quite literally, I was emotional at a dinner table, while my boyfriend was whispering to me to pull it together,) and honestly just had the most fun. And yea, it was a quick trip, but it was so worth a hectic couple days.

So can you see a city in three days? YES! Will you see all of the city in three days? NO! But you will get to experience it – you’ll have a taste, and it will be magnificent.

In that spirit, I’ve posted city guides in Budapest and Dublin, focused on key sites and eats if you have just a few days in town. I will also be positing guides for the cities I’m traveling to over the next few months – Amman, Tel Aviv and Barcelona!

Thank you for reading and if you haven’t, please subscribe! 🙂

A little savvier for the countries and continents I've seen, I have only truly learned to travel by Trial and Error. Missed flights, ferries, and connections are just the beginning on the mishaps (and wins!) behind why I started this blog.
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